Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021-SW Michigan-Wind, Chill Coming At Us
Currently 43 with an average wind from the W of 2 mph. Feels like 43 degrees. Dew Point 38, Humidity 87%, Barometer 29.98, Visibility 8 mi., Sunrise 7:44 am, Sunset 5:15 pm.
Cloudy with a 50% chance of light rain showers. High in the upper 40s. WSW winds 10-20 mph.
Partly cloudy with a low of 26. WNW Winds 15-25 mph with higher gusts possible.
There is a cold front set to move through and a wind system right along with it. Still not seeing any big snow events for us for Thanksgiving week. But we will be getting some cold nights. Expect to see a lot of 20 degree night time temperatures.
Still interesting seeing how many trees are hanging on to leaves so late this year. And a lot of them on the green side. I’m hoping heavy wet snows hold off because with all the foliage still up there ready to grab ahold of the weight we could be in for more than our share of power outages if push comes to shove. I’m hoping not, but the possibility is definitely there.