Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021-SW Michigan-Enjoy The Sunshine, Rain Coming
Currently 32 with an average wind from the E of 2 mph. Feels like 32 degrees. Dew Point 31, Humidity 95%, Barometer 30.23, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:28 am, Sunset 5:23 pm.
Mostly sunny morning becoming partly sunny in the afternoon. High in the mid 50s. E winds 10-20 mph with higher afternoon gusts.
Mostly cloudy overnight with a 40% chance of rain. Low in the lower 40s. SE winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 35.
Some clear skies this morning with clouds moving in. Those clouds will usher in days of rain culminating in a rain/snow event for Sunday. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? No. No, it doesn’t, but that seems to be what’s on tap for us. So…get out there and enjoy today.