Monday, Nov. 8, 2021-SW Michigan-Lovely Beginning To The Week
Currently 53 with an average wind from the SW of 6 mph. Feels like 53 degrees. Dew Point 44, Humidity 70%, Barometer 30.09, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7;27 am, Sunset 5:27 pm.
Lots of sunshine today. High 61. WSW winds 10-15 mph.
Partly cloudy will becoming mostly cloudy after midnight. Low 44. Light and variable winds.
This week will be starting warm and friendly, will end with chilly and probable rainy. Thursday will usher in the rain that will bring the colder temperatures with it. We know this warmth can’t last. Not in November. Not in Michigan. But it’s grand while it’s here. A good few days to get the leaves taken care of … except perhaps tomorrow might bring a little rain with it. Still comfortable, but there is a small chance it might not be quite so dry.