Monday, Nov. 1, 2021-SW Michigan-Nov Beginning With A Chilly Week
Currently 44 with an average wind from the W of 11 mph. Feels like 42 degrees. Dew Point 30, Humidity 64%, Barometer 30.21, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:18 am, Sunset 6:35 pm.
An early mix of sun and clouds becoming all clouds in the afternoon. High 46. W winds 10-20 mph.
Cloudy overnight skies. Low 33. W winds 5 -10 mph.
The Jet Stream continues its deep dip down into the country, leaving us smack dab in the middle of some below normal, chilly air this week. I guess it’s not an unusual beginning for the month of November, but with the pleasant weather we’ve had for so long, this is a bit of an unwelcome event. We’ll weather it, of course (no pun intended..or maybe just a little one) Looks maybe back into some low 50 degree days next week. Sounds good to me. In the meantime, enjoying the thick carpet of confetti color the falling leaves presents. Seems plenty of green leaves still clinging to the branches, but the color is falling at a good pace lately.