Sunday, October 31, 2021-SW Michigan-Wonderfully Foggy Morning
Currently 45 with a calm wind from the NNW. Feels like 45 degrees. Dew Point 48, Humidity 48, Humidity 100%, Barometer 29.8, Visibility (well, here’s where it gets strange. All reporting stations are saying 10 mi….has anybody from the reporting stations been OUT there? Very foggy. I’d guess maybe tops, 6 mi. So I’m reporting) 6 mi., Sunrise 8:17 am, Sunset 6:37 pm.
Cloudy, foggy, misty. There is a 30% chance of a rain shower. High 53. NNW winds 10-20 mph.
Partly cloudy overnight. Low 36. WNW winds 10-15 mph.
Quite foggy out there this morning giving me a lot of great opportunity for pictures. Which I, of course, took. The end of October, Halloween, this is a fitting morning. Couldn’t ask for better. Looks to be a cold week coming at us with the Jet Stream taking a huge dip down into the country. Hope fully it will rethink that position in a week or so and get us back into something more comfortable, at least for awhile. It being November tomorrow, there’s no guarantee, but that’s my hope.