Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021-SW Michigan-Last of 50 Degree Days
Currently 51 with an average wind from the N of 9 mph. Feels like 51 degrees. Dew Point 47, Humidity 88%, Barometer 29.66, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:16 am, Sunset 6:38 pm.
Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of drizzle until about midday. High 54. N winds 5 -15 mph with gusts to 25.
A few overnight clouds. Patchy fog through the night. Low 39. Light and variable winds.
Today and tomorrow may signal the end of our 50 degree days. The end of October, the end of 50 degrees. Seems fitting, doesn’t it? All next week looks to be daytime 40 degrees with some freezing nights coming at us. Again, appropriate for the beginning of November. Hard to believe we’re entering into that month so soon. But such is the rule of things. Winter months always come around every year. Like it or not. Not that everyone is unhappy about that, but I definitely am among the number that is. Oh well…it’s going to be Spring before we know it.