Friday, Oct. 29, 2021-SW Michigan-A Rainy Friday
Currently 51 with an average wind from the NE of 6 mph. Feels like 51 degrees. Dew Point 51, Humidity 100%, Barometer 29.62, Visibility 6 mi., Sunrise 8:14 am, Sunset 6:39 pm.
100% chance of a steady rain today. High 56. NE winds 10-20 mph.
50% chance of rain early becoming cloudy for the rest of the night. Low 48. NE winds 10-25 mph.
So far, it’s been a good steady, light rain. This weekend sound like a chance of some rain on Saturday but some sunshine on Sunday. We have a chilly week coming at us. Mostly 40 degree days and some nights getting down to the freezing mark. I guess today even with rain, but hovering in the 50s isn’t so bad.