Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021-SW Michigan-Heat Advisory In Effect Today
Currently 72 with an average wind from the SE of 1 mph. Feels like 72 degrees. Dew Point 71, Barometer 30.02, Humidity 96%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:00 am, Sunset 8:31 pm.
Sun and clouds mix today with a 40% chance of a stray shower or thunderstorm cropping up. High 91 with a heat index of 97-102 degrees. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Partly cloudy overnight with a 30% chance of a stray shower or thunderstorm. Low 70. Light winds.
Last night brought plenty of thunder and I found it amazing that there was almost an inch of rain in my rain gauge this morning. Sure did need that rain. Today is going to be beastly so I hope everyone pays attention to keeping hydrated and as cool as possible. Going to be hot for awhile yet with this weekend looking miserable.
The pictures and reports coming from Tennessee continue to be horrible. None of that could be expected or prepared for. They are looking right now at if that ends up being a record rainfall for the state. It’s truly heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine all that pain. Damage. Death. It’s going to be such a long time for them to get beyond this…if, for some of them, ever.