Monday, Aug. 23, 2021-SW Michigan-Beginning Of A Warm Week
Currently 73 with an average wind from the W of 6 mph. Feels like 73 degrees. Dew Point 64, Barometer 29.88, Humidity 80%, Visibility 10 mi.,Sunrise 6:58 am, Sunset 8:34 pm.
Mix of sun and clouds. High 85. W winds 5 – 10 mph.
Partly cloudy overnight with a 60% chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low 68 degrees. SSW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Most of the weather stations are reporting the probability of some warm temperatures this coming week. A few chances of rain and thunderstorms which may or may not appear but I think we can count on the heat.
Heartbreaking watching the films of the flooding in Tennessee. Too many people died, too much destruction. Things like this are merciless and tragic. So very fortunate here in SW Michigan that we’ve been able to escape so many of these horrendous weather events. Prayers for those not so lucky. I guess I’ll take out non-dramatic weather patterns and be grateful for them all.