Saturday, August 1, 2021-SW Michigan-A Great Start To August
Currently 66 with an average wind from the SW of 1 mph. Feels like 66 degrees. Dew Point 52, Barometer 30.03, Humidity 62%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:33 am, Sunset 9:06 pm.
Partly cloudy with a high of 76 degrees. W winds 10-15 mph.
Partly cloudy with a 50% chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low 61. W winds 5 -10 mph.
A splendid Summer Saturday and a fine beginning to the month of August. Temperature will remain comfortable but there is a slight chance for some rain tonight and tomorrow. None after that until next weekend, so I guess we’d better hope we get a bit of this go-round. Not that it’s going to make any big difference. We can be on the list, next in line almost, but still miss out on much precipitation. We’ll see how it goes this time – as usual. In the meantime, enjoy today. It’s going to be a dandy.