Monday, April 19, 2021-SW Michigan-Crummy Weather On The Way
Currently 48 with an average wind from the SSW of 6 mph. Feels like 45 degrees. Dew Point 37, Barometer 29.76, Humidity 64%, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 6:54 am, Sunset 8:29 pm
Freeze Warning From Tuesday through Thursday. There go the tender new fruit tree buds and sensitive new growth.
70% chance of rain until about midday. High in the upper 40s. W winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 30.
Cloudy to partly cloudy overnight with widespread frost. Low in the lower 30s. NW winds 5 -10 mph with gusts to 20.
Nothing nice or pleasant about our weather forecast. Freeze warning? Snow? This is a miserable stretch of weather that is without a doubt going to do damage to plenty of things that took advantage of our early spring and started to grow. Wonderful. We finally get a good spring and Mother Nature decides to shatter it all. I have absolutely nothing good to say about what’s coming. My only hope is that it somehow doesn’t get as cold as predicted and that the snow misses us. Not a lot of faith in that hope coming to fruition.