Monday, March 29, 2021-SW Michigan-A Few Chilly Days Before Warming Back Up
Currently 38 with an average wind from the SE of 4 mph. Feels like 38 degrees. Dew Point 27, Barometer 30.18, Humidity 66%, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:30 am, Sunset 8:05 pm.
Mostly sunny with a high in the mid 50s. S winds 5 -10 mph increasing to 15-20 in the afternoon.
Mostly clear overnight with a low in the mid 40s. S winds 15-20 mph.
The next couple of days and nights are going to be chilly but after that it will warm right up where it will feel comfortable outside – and only get better from there. So far the month of April for us here in the SW space in Michigan is looks great.
I know there aren’t many left but we do still have one now small left over of a snow mountain from where it was shoveled into one spot-a place where the sun never shines on it and we haven’t really had enough rain to take it all away. It’s dwindling, dirty and miserable looking and once the weather gets back into the warmer range it won’t take long for it to completely vanish. Looking forward to it. I don’t want to see even a smidgen of winter left.