Friday, March 26, 2021-SW Michigan-Terror To The South, Only Rain Here
Currently 34 with an average wind from the WSW of 4 mph. Feels like 31 degrees. Dew Point 34, Barometer 29.94, Humidity 100%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:35 am, Sunset 8:01 pm.
Mostly cloudy with about 30% chance of rain until about midday then becoming mostly sunny. High in the upper 40s. W winds 5 – 15 mph with gusts to 25.
Partly cloudy with a low in the lower 30s. W winds around 10 mph in the evening becoming light.
Much cooler this morning and we did get about a half an inch of rain last night. But I didn’t hear any thunder, see any lightening. Just rain. To the south, however, it was yet another time of terror with tornado destruction everywhere. To think this is only the end of March, this is not a good indication of how much trouble the tornado season is going to bring this year. I hope I’m wrong, but things don’t look good right now. We are so fortunate here in SW Michigan. Do we get an occasional tornado? Yes, we do. But personally, I can’t remember much damage from tornadoes on any major scale in a very long time. My prayers are with all of those in the south dealing with the destruction.
I think the thing that I worry the most about is the almost complete lack of basements for the people in the south to seek safety. Why? I guess I understand that in a state like Florida which is basically built on a swamp and the ground is technically saturated making basements rather iffy. But along Tornado Alley??? Really? I’m pretty sure if I lived there I would long ago had some sort of storm shelter built I could drop in to and escape being blown away by a tornado. Seeking safety in a bathtub might or might not work, but it certainly isn’t optimal. So why not invest a bit in a small underground shelter? I don’t know. I don’t understand it, but then I’m a do it ahead sort of person and I would plan on future emergencies if it meant my life or the life of my loved ones. Hey…it’s just me.