Saturday, March 20, 2021-SW Michigan-Happy First Day Of Spring
Currently 39 with an average wind from the S of 1 mph. Feels like 39 degrees. Dew point 21, Barometer 30.56, Humidity 48%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:46 am, Sunset 7:54 pm.
Sunny with a high in the upper 50s. S winds 5 -10 mph.
Clear overnight with a low in the mid 30s. S winds 10 mph.
A glorious first day of Spring in SW Michigan. Fifty degree day with sunshine? Oh yeah…we’ll take it and be grateful for it. Tomorrow sounds as promising and maybe even Monday. Even warmer. Imagine that. March is being so kind and gentle this time around. I’m hoping that the rain mentioned for Tuesday and a few days following that does put in an appearance. We really could use some rain. I reckon we’ll find out in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy the heck out of Spring starting out on such a positive note.