Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021-SW Michigan-Much Of Nation Gripped In Frigid Weather
Currently 10 with an average wind from the NE of 10 mph. Feels like 4 degrees. Dew Point 4, Barometer 30.51, Humidity 79%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:45 am, Sunset 6:09 pm.
Mostly sunny until midday becoming mostly cloudy. High 15-20. NE winds around 5 mph with morning windchill readings as low as -16.
Cloudy with a 60% chance of snow showers. Low 10-15. NE winds 5 mph.
Bitter cold, snow, ice-all the ingredients of a miserable winter grips so much of our nation. And no relief in sight far as I can see until…oh..about June perhaps. No, maybe not that long, but through this month for sure. February is a cruel, comfortless month at the best of times, and this time around seems intent on being the worst of the worst. Still have a good 7 or 8″ of snow in my little backyard and since the cold refuses to relent enough for melting, it’s going to simply be there. Not going anywhere.
Watching videos of the multi-vehicle pile up near Fort Worth is heartbreaking. Ice is the most dangerous of winters woes. No skill involved in driving on ice, it’s all mostly luck and not that many of us are lucky enough to make it worth being out there sliding and slipping around on it. Plus a little ice is deceptive. A LOT of ice and we’re all stuck at home so not that many drivers attempting to get anywhere. Just a bit of it and folks seem to think it’s no problem. Well…take a look at the disaster being sorted through this morning for dead or injured and it becomes very apparent how much of a problem even a little ice on the road can be.
Trying to think Spring with all my being in spite of what seems to be an endless line of winter storms still ready to perform.