Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021-SW Michigan-Cold Week Ahead
Currently 9 with an average wind from the WNW of 3 mph. Feels like -3 degrees. Dew Point 0, Barometer 30.22, Humidity 67%, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 7:50 am, Sunset 6:03 pm.
50% chance of snow showers. Mostly overcast. High 12. WNW 10-15 mph.
Cloudy with a few show showers possible. Low 7. SW winds 5-10 mph.
We’re looking at a mighty chilly week ahead with a couple of days tossing in some snow just for the heck of it. A typical Michigan Winter week, I guess. Actually, out driving today, trying to peer off to either side to see if anything was coming that could possible take you out in a crash when stopped at an intersection reminds me of Winters in the past. We used to get tons of snow and it was truly taking your life into your hands to pull out after stopping at any non traffic signal intersection, because with the mountains of snow piled up blocking any clear view, it was plain old dangerous. Today was a milder version, but a definite reminder.
It’s cold out there. Was a whole whopping 6 degrees when I went out to breakfast (that in itself, here in a Democrat smothered state was a miracle) but I didn’t really mind the cold. The snow I DO mind. A lot. Dreaming of the freedoms and sunshine of Florida on a steady basis lately.
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