Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2020-SW Michigan-Winter Weather Advisory For Tomorrow
Currently 41 with an average wind from the SE of 9 mph. Feels like 36 degrees. Dew Point 26, Barometer 29.76, Humidity 54%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:11 am, Sunset 5:11 pm.
Windy with a 40% chance of rain. High in the upper 40s. S winds 15 – 25 with gusts to 30, possibly 40 mph.
90% chance of overnight rain possibly mixed with snow overnight. Snow accumulation 1″ or less. Low in the lower 20s. SW winds 15-20 with gusts to 35 mph.
We have a Winter Weather Advisory determined to settle in the day before Christmas with rapidly falling temperatures resulting in wind chills in the single digits. Around 3″ of snow expected. Windy, dangerous driving conditions. Just what everyone needed the busy day before Christmas. I’m telling you Mother Nature is dreadful at giving gifts. And her timing for delivering them is atrocious. I’m really hoping everyone can get as much done as possible today and stay inside safe tomorrow. That’s my plan, anyway.