Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020-SW Michigan-Peeks Of Sunshine Today
Currently 43 with an average wind from the ESE of 5 mph. Feels like 43. Dew Point 32, Barometer 30.22, Humidity 64%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:08 am, Sunset 6:43 pm.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of sprinkles. High in the upper 40s. NE winds 5 -10 mph.
Cloudy with a 30% chance of rain – possibly mixed with snow showers. Low in the mid 30s. N winds 5- 10 mph.
Lots of clouds today, but an occasional clearing enough to allow the sun to illuminate the brilliant color clinging to tree branches. We need to appreciate every little chance to appreciate the brightness. And we do. This is the second time the dread S word has crept into the forecast. So far we’ve seen a bit of hail…that’s plenty. Soon enough we’ll be seeing more of that unappreciated white stuff to last for…well, months.