June 7, 2020-SW Michigan-Sunny And Pleasant Today
Currently 63 with an average wind from the ESE of 2 mph. Feels like 63 degrees. Dew Point 54, Barometer 30.13, Humidity 71%, Sunrise 6:03 am, Sunset 9:19 pm.
Sunny today. High mid 70s. E winds 5 -10 mph becoming light in the afternoon.
Mostly clear overnight. Low mid 50s. E winds 5 -10 mph with gusts up to 20 mph.
A great day in store today. Sounds as if it’s going to get hot and stormy about midweek so today is one to savor. Tropical Storm Cristobal should give us a glancing blow late Tuesday and into Wednesday. We’ll see how strong that blow is when we get to it. The heat is sounding like a solid prediction for Tuesday. 90s – that’s hot.