Saturday, March 28,2020-SW Michigan-A Rainy Day And Night For Us
Currently 40 with an average wind from the ENE of 13 mph. Feels like 32 degrees. Dew Point 39, Humidity 98%, Barometer 29.80, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 7:30 am, Sunset 8:04 pm.
90% chance of off and on rain today. High 52. E winds 10 -20 mph.
100% chance of rain with thunderstorms possible by morning. Low 47. SE winds 10 -20 mph.
Not much rain going on so far today. Everything’s a little wet but nothing drastic so far. Looking at the national map yesterday did look as if we could be in for some severe weather, but nothing like that going on so far. Actually doesn’t feel warm enough for anything developing. I guess we’ll see, but my bet is nothing scary. Just rain.