Currently 54 with an average wind from the W of 18 mph. Feels like 49 degrees. Dew Point 42, Humidity 62%. Barometer 29.45 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:28 am, Sunset 8:05 pm.
High Wind Advisory In Effect From 8:00am – 10:00 pm.
Windy with a 90% chance of rain. High 54 falling to 40 in the afternoon. SW winds 20-30 mph with gusts to 40 mph.
Windy with a steady rain continuing overnight. Low 37. W winds 20 -30 mph with gusts to 40 mph.
Clouds have been flying by high overhead all morning at an alarming clip. The wind is beginning to settle down to our level and I’m about to go out to retrieve and save my St. Patrick’s Day wind sock before it gets destroyed. I made a mistake one year and left the Valentine’s Day wind sock out and it was a goner by the end of the day. The wind twisted and tangled it up into the metal flashing along the roof and there was absolutely no way to undo the damage. Ended up cutting it loose and tossing the remainder. Once is enough to teach me. A high wind warning is not a friend to fly-about holiday decorations.
Sad last night watching the tornado damage to the south. I’d listened to the Weather Channel all afternoon predicting exactly what happened, like everyone else hoping it wouldn’t all materialize. It did. Only the wind from that system hitting us and fingers crossed it doesn’t get crazy and cut out power. This – with the stores stripped bare – isn’t the time to be losing a freezer full of food. These are weird, unhappy times in so many ways.