Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020-South West Michigan-Weather Forecast Changed Overnight
Currently 30 with an average wind from the NNE of 11 mph. Currently 21 degrees. Dew Point 25, Barometer 29.88 & rising, Humidity 81%, visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:25 am, Sunset 6:25 pm.
Cloudy skies with a high of 39. NE winds 10 -20 mph.
Cloudy overnight skies. Low 26. NE w inds 10 -15 mph.
Well, when I went to bed last night we had a Winter Weather Advisory in effect from this evening though tomorrow evening. Could have received 4 – 7″ of snow. This morning? Not a hint of any Winter Weather Advisory in effect. The snow, at least for today, has been changed to rain. I did read in one place that it could be a frozen mix, in another just rain. My, my, my we evidently get out choice. I choose plain rain. I reckon by the end of today, or at least by the end of tomorrow evening we’ll find out what really is – or was – in store for our area.