Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020-South West Michigan-Going To Be Gloomy Most Of The Day
Currently 31 with an average wind from the NW 7 mph. Feels like 25 degrees. Dew Point 27, Barometer 29.94 & rising, Humidity 82%, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 8:14 am, Sunset 5:19 pm
Mostly cloudy with the chance of a few snow flurries or showers showing up. Temperatures will remain steady in the low to mid 30s. NW winds 10 -15mph.
Mostly cloudy tonight. Low 28. W winds 5 – 10 mph.
So far today it’s not a bad day. It might turn messier later on, but for now it’s all dry. I remain amazed at the temperature range of our weather so far this winter. I’m certain sure that this is costing the folks who deal in winter sports supplies are suffering and I do feel bad for that. Much like any vocation where your success – or failure – depends on the weather, there is simply nothing written in stone as to how our weather should perform. We have expectations built on history – and the calendar – but that, as we’ve discovered over the past decade, is so often up for grabs. Is this all due to Climate Change? I don’t really know. Nor do I believe anyone else does. Theories abound but facts are few when compared to centuries of weather activity and changes our weary little planet has had to endure.
But back to our current weather, I have no pony in the race, so this mild weather is more to my taste than what we could be enduring.