Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019-South West Michigan-6″ Of Overnight Snow, Still Snowing
Currently 28 with an average wind from the W of 15 mph. Feels like 16 degrees. Dew Point 24, Barometer 29.56 & rising, Humidity 85%, Visibility 0.3 mi., Sunrise 8:13 am, Sunset 5:16 pm.
Morning snow will give way to lingering afternoon snow showers or flurries. High 29. W winds 15 – 25 pm.
Cloudy overnight with a few flurries or snow showers. Low 22. W winds 10 -15 mph.
Woke to a good 6″ of snow this morning. The forecast had been anywhere from 1″ to 7″ and I suspect by the end of the day we’ll be well into the 7″ range. From nothing to all that snow again? Yup, it’s Winter all right. Shoveling a path out to where I throw seeds and peanuts for the birds and critters wasn’t a lot of fun and I’m feeling it right now, even being as careful as I could. Alas…the hazards of living in the north part of the nation. I’m happy I don’t have to get in my car and drive anywhere today. Or tomorrow. Or the next day. I have the privilege of being able to hunker down and wait till things get better. Well, maybe not that long ’cause that might take until April, but still…