Friday, Dec. 20, 2019-South West Michigan-A Week Of Sun And Clouds Coming At Us
Currently 17 with an average wind from the S of 11 mph. Feels like 5 degrees. Dew Point 5, Barometer 30.29 & falling, Humidity 57%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:09 am, Sunset 5:08 pm.
Plenty of morning clouds, decreasing in the afternoon. High 36. SE winds 10 -15 mph.
Partly cloudy overnight. Low 27. S winds 5 – 10 mph.
Unless things change, we have a week ahead of us with supposedly no precipitation, a fair mix of clouds and some sun with really decent temperatures in the low 40s. This is extraordinary for a Michigan end of December. I’m all in with it. Probably lots of folks moaning and groaning about no White Christmas, but I’m fine with the idea. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of others just like me who hate winter no matter what the holiday is and would vote for as mild as we could get any time. Sounds like a winner coming up to me.