Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019-South West Michigan-A Crummy Day But So Far No Snow
Currently 44 with an average wind from the SW of 27 mph. Feels like 34. Dew Point 39, Humidity 83%, Barometer 29.30 & rising, Visibility 2.4 mph., Sunrise 7:48 am, Sunset 5:09 pm.
90% chance of light rain and wind. Some snow showers could mix in by afternoon. High around 45. WSW winds 25 – 35 mph. Gusts up to 40 possible.
Cloudy with gusty winds. Low 32. NW winds 20 -30 mph with gusts up to 40 possible.
Been blowing rain around all morning and it’s a cloudy mess, but so far it’s now offering any snow to us. And we’d like to keep it that way. Way too much for most people to be doing this day before a holiday. And we’re keeping our fingers crossed that tomorrow, the big travel day, remains road-safe.