Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019-South West Michigan- Pleasant To Not So Much Forecast
Currently 36 with an average wind from the E of 6 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 33, Barometer 30.15 & falling, Humidity 91%, Visibility 8 mi., Sunrise 8:08 am, Sunset 6:42 pm. Partly cloudy to cloudy afternoon with a 100% chance of rain. High 51. ESE winds 10 -15 mph.
100% chance of rain. Rainfall could reach 1″ with locally heavier possible. Low 46. E winds 15 – 25 mph.
It’s a fairly nice morning, a bit chilly, but decent enough. It seems like by evening and overnight, conditions will deteriorate to something best left outside while we remain inside. Sunday sounds like a winner, so far. But I’m betting a lot of the colorful trees will be stripped of their beauty by tonight’s rain. It’s been a brilliant Autumn here. Some years are a little on the rust, brown, dull side, but this time around so much red, orange and yellow makes driving around dangerous because you just want to haul out the camera and take pictures around every curve in the road. I’m confident that I was able to catch a lot of it this time and it will be to brighten up my scenery – at least by using some of them as computer backgrounds – when the outside view is nothing but our wintry white, black and gray…a depressing colorless scene for far too many months. Thank goodness for cameras – and computers :>)