Friday, Aug. 30, 2019-South West Michigan-T-Storms Blew By Last Night
Currently 58 with an average wind from the WSW of 4 mph. Feels like 58. Dew Point 55, Barometer 30.06 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:04 am, Sunset 8:22 pm. Mostly sunny today with a high of 74. WNW winds 10 -15 mph.
Mostly clear overnight, low 49. N winds 5 – 10 mph.
Last night we did have a string of thunderstorms roll over our area. Had several Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts issued. Nothing really severe happened in my little backyard area. Got some rain, some wind but nothing very unusual. I’m sure other areas didn’t fare as well. No power loss that I’ve heard of so I’m assuming things didn’t get as bad as they could have.
At least we aren’t facing the prospect of a hurricane like Florida right now. Has to be a nervous time. Where will it hit? How strong? Slow moving or racing through? Flooding issues, with Florida already having had too much rain, are going to be a major concern. I’m feeling bad and praying for all of those in that state right now. Hoping they’re preparing for the worst but that doesn’t come about. A wait and see situation for all.