Tuesday, June 25, 2019-South West Michigan-A Splendid Summer Day
Currently 69 with an average wind from the WSW of 11 mph. Feels like 69 degrees. Dew Point 57, Humidity 67%, Barometer 29.83 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:04 am, Sunset 9:26 pm. Partly cloudy with a stray shower or thunderstorm cropping up later. High 83. WSW winds 10-20 mph.
50% chance of scattered showers or thunderstorms, mostly in the evening. Low 63. SW winds 10 -20mph.
It’s a great morning. The air is cool enough, yet warm enough, for comfort. The sun is shining for all its worth and if there is a WSW wind of 11 mph, I don’t know where it’s hiding. The air is calm and still. Such wonderful summer weather. If it does rain later, so be it. In the meantime the morning is about perfect.