Sunday, June 23, 2019-South West Michigan-Lovely Michigan Summer Weekend
Currently 76 with an average wind from the SE of 9 mph. Feels like 76 degrees, Dew Point 76, Humidity 47%, Barometer 29.06 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:04 am, Sunset 9:25 pm. Partly cloudy to cloudy with a 50% chance of afternoon showers and thunderstorms. High 83. SSE winds 10 – 15 mph.
Cloudy with a 50% chance of overnight showers and thunderstorms, mostly in the evening hours. Low 68. SSE winds 10-15 mph.
What a perfectly wonderful weekend of weather so far. Yesterday was fantastic. The first timeĀ this season that I was able to bring out the cushions for the glider rocker to sit outside with a book and a cup of tea. A bit of a breeze ruffling along…sunshine galore. It was a day to dream about in the middle of winter. So far today, a bit more cloudy, but still a fantastic feel to the air. It’s finally offering up some summery weather to enjoy. And man, are we enjoying it! There’s a very good chance for some thunderstorms to rattle through later this afternoon, maybe tonight and tomorrow, but for now all is well.