Wednesday, May 22, 2019-South West Michigan-Rainy Morning, Maybe Some Afternoon Sun
Currently 51 with an average wind from the ESE of 13 mph making it feel like 47 degrees. Dew Point 47, Humidity 86%, Barometer 29.96 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:13 am, Sunset 9:06 pm. 90% chance of morning rain. Thunder is possible. The afternoon will offer a few peeks at the sun. High around 80. SSE winds 10 -20 mph.
Partly cloudy with a 50% chance of overnight rain. Variable winds 8 – 10 mph. Low 67.
It most certainly looks as if any parting of the clouds today is unlikely. Heavy overcast, off and on rain. If the sun puts in an appearance at any time today, I’ll be surprised. Pleasantly surprised.
Rather on the bland side in my little back yard but not so in other parts of our nation. So much severe weather going on! Flooding, tornadoes…it’s an ugly, miserable time for so many people. And still watching the disaster left in the Midwest from the horrendous flooding that will likely leave us short of fresh food and paying plenty for what we get this year. Farmers unable to plant leaves consumers on the short end of the supply chain. Not good. Call it what you will, but the extreme weather over the recent years seems to be escalating. And that’s not a good thing.