Saturday, April 27, 2019-South West Michigan-The Miserable “S” Words Refuses To Leave
Currently 36 with an average wind from the NNW of 10 mph making it feel like 29 degrees. Dew Point 23, Humidity 59%, Barometer 29.95 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:41 am, Sunset 8:38 pm. Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of rain showers. High 46. WNW winds 10 – 15 mph.
40% chance of rain with the possibility of snow showers mixing in. Low 30. N winds 5 – 10 mph.
No kidding – there’s a chance of snow. This has become the longest, most miserable winter ever. And it still lingers, LONG after it should have a total retreat from our picture. At the rate it’s going, next winter is going to be here before this last one leaves.