Currently 15 with a WSW wind of 9 mph making it feel like 4 degrees. Dew Point 6, Barometer 30.31 & rising, Humidity 66%, Visibility 8 mi., Sunrise 7:00 am, Sunset 6:37 pm. Mostly cloudy with possible snow flurries. High around 20. WSW winds 10 -20 mph.
Cloudy to partially clear with possible snow flurries overnight. Low 9. WNW winds 5 – 10 mph.
At the moment stray snowflakes are drifting around. Have no idea if they plan to band together and add up to anything, just the stray ones are irritating enough for now.
Heartbreaking news from Alabama and Georgia about the recent tornado damage. So many people lost, so many families in pain. I’ll tell you, I’d trade places living in the south rather than the north any time – but – and this is the important part – the first thing, the very first thing I’d do if I moved down there would be to build a tornado shelter. Immediately. Having one might well have saved some – or perhaps all of the lives. I can’t imagine not investing in a shelter. Even if it was a large hole in the ground lined with cement blocks or something, with a cover that could be pulled down and secured from overhead. Not all that fancy and what ever the cost, it would be worth it in my mind. No way could I live down south without the comfort, the security of having a shelter available.