Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019-South West Michigan-Scary Wind Expected Tomorrow
Currently 31 with an E wind of 14 mph making it feel like 21 degrees. Dew Point 23, Barometer 30.14 & falling, Humidity 71, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 7:27 am, Sunset 6:23 pm. Cloudy with a 40% chance of afternoon showers. Thunder possible. High 39. E winds 10 -20 mph.
Cloudy tonight with a 100% chance of periods of rain. Thunder possible. Low 37. SSE winds 10 -20 mph.
Well, today we might see some rain, hear some thunder…same tonight. But it’s tomorrow that has us concerned. High winds, blowing snow. It promises to be a wicked day on the way. Most everyone I know is preparing for power outages. Not good at any time, but in the winter with the cold weather, especially dangerous. We’ll see what happens, but at the moment it isn’t sounding all that good.