Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019-South West Michigan-Could Get Ugly Frozen Mix Tomorrow
Currently 14 with an average wind from the SE of 5 mph making it feel like 6 degrees. Dew Point 5, Barometer 30.69 & rising, Humidity 65&, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:33 am, Sunset 6:18 pm. Mostly cloudy with a high of 28 today. Light and variable winds.
Mostly cloudy tonight with the possibility of a few snow flurries. Low 5. ESE winds 5 – 10 mph.
Tomorrow appears set on offering us about an 80% chance of a frozen mix. The worst part of winter is ice, so this isn’t welcome news. Maybe – hopefully – it will all swing to the south of us. I’m hoping so. I think we’ve dealt with enough misery lately with our weather. I guess this is Winter Storm Petra coming along? One right after another it seems. At least there is a bit of sunshine today. Was yesterday, too. Makes everybody happy and more upbeat just that little peek at the sun for a day or two. At least in Michigan that’s how it goes. And speaking of going, I’m about to dash out and about, run some errands and be a part of the sunshine while it’s here.