Monday, Nov. 26, 2018 South West Michigan – First Big Snow Of The Winter
Currently 26 with an average wind for the N of 14 mph making it feel like 15 degrees. Dew Point 25, Humidity 93%, Barometer 29.69 & rising, Visibility 0.3 mi., Sunrise 7:48 am, Sunset 5;10 pm. 100% chance of snow in the morning, tapering off in the afternoon. High 32. NNW 15 – 25.
Overcast with a few flurries or snow showers overnight. Low 24. NW winds 10 -20 mph.
Well, Winter Storm Bruce didn’t totally ignore us but it could have been much worse than it is. Measured 3.3″ of snow this morning and we might end up with another inch or so today. Plenty more in other places, so we can cope with this. Sounds as if some cold air is going to be descending on the country to add to the misery. Yup! It’s winter.