Wednesday, June 27, 2018 South West Michigan – Nice Steady Overnight Downpour
Currently 65 with a N wind of 7 mph creating no effect so it feels like 65 degrees. Dew Point 65, Barometer 29.69 & falling, Humidity 100%, Visibility 6 mi., Sunrise 6:04 am, Sunset 9:25 pm. Cloudy with a 30% chance of additional rain. High 75. N winds 5 – 10 mph.
Partly cloudy early will become clear overnight skies. Low around 60. WNW winds 5 -10 mph.
Got about an inch of overnight rain and there is a Flood Alert from 7:00 this m0rning through about 1:30 this afternoon. It was a grand overnight rain – no thunder, lightening, wind, just a straight down rain that was wonderful to listen to – and smell. Nothing like waking up to the sound and smell of a fresh rain. The heat will begin to kick in tomorrow through the weekend with the peak seemingly coming in on Saturday where we will top 90 degrees. Should be an interesting weekend.