Friday, June 22, 2018 South West Michigan – Cloudy, Cool, Slight Chance For Rain
Currently 60 with an average wind from the ENE of 11 mph making it feel like 58 degrees. Dew Point 50, Humidity 66%, Barometer 29.83 & falling, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:08, Sunset 9:25 pm. Cloudy with a 20% chance of rain, high 73. ENE winds 10 -15 mph.
Cloudy tonight with a 25% chance of overnight rain. Low 61. NE winds 10 – 15 mph.
Feels chilly this morning and this chill is going to hang around for a few days. By next weekend we’ll be back into the 80s where we belong, but this weekend not so much. Nothing severe expected, it’s just that we’re in the cooler air flow that’s dividing the heat to the south and the chillier air where we are.