Tuesday, April 24, 2018 South West Michigan – A Little Light Rain
Currently 55 with an ESE wind of 9mph dropping that to feeling like 53 degrees. Dew Point 47, Humidity 74%, Barometer 30.09 & falling, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:45 am, Sunset 8:35 pm. 60% chance of occasional rain showers. High 59. ENE winds 5 – 10 mph.
70% chance of light rain showers. Low 38. NNE winds 10 – 15 mph.
A rather damp morning but the temperature is decent. Light jacket weather, but still so much better than we’ve been dealing with that nobody is going to complain. Drove by the dam in Rockford this morning on the way to breakfast and I see anglers out in the cold water so must be the salmon are running. I know I’ll never be one of them, but I do enjoy watching them out there.
Not a bad week ahead with only a few chances for rain. A few green buds are beginning to appear. Not many, but some. Finally Spring is ours.