Saturday, April 21, 2018 South West Michigan – Cloudy But A Bit Warmer
Currently 38 with a N wind of only 1mph leaving that alone to feel like the 38 degrees it is. Dew Point 28, Humidity 67%, Barometer 30.47 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:50 am, Sunset 8:31 mph. Cloudy with a high of 58. Light and variable winds.
Partly cloudy tonight. Low 35. Light and variable winds.
Well, nothing special going on, which is fine. No precipitation expected, which is also good. No sunshine today but that’s okay also as at least our temperature will be up in the 50 degree range. Been awhile waiting for it to get there. So no complaints about this dandy Saturday. Things are looking up, weather-wise. Can’t beat that.