Friday, Dec. 22, 2017 South West Michigan – Light Snow, Lighter Freezing Drizzle Possible
Currently 30 degrees with a NE wind of 2.4 mph making no difference so it feels like 30. Dew Point 30, Barometer 30, Humidity 100%, Visibility 5 mi, Sunrise 8:11 am, Sunset 5:10 pm. 90% chance of light snow possibly mixed with light freezing drizzle. High lower 30s. Light winds.
20% chance of the same overnight, low upper 20s. Light winds.
Got about .10″ in the rain gauge overnight. Maybe .20″ of fresh snow. Hard to tell how much was pure snow and how much was a freezing drizzle addition. At any rate, still about 3″ on the ground. Packing down but not vanishing. Sure don’t care for hearing that freezing drizzle nonsense. Snow is bad enough the freezing rain is misery. Hoping we don’t get much along those lines.