Currently 33 with a SSE wind of 4.4 mph dragging that down to feeling like 29. Dew Point 26, Humidity 74%, Barometer 29.90, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:43, Sunset 5:12 pm. Mostly cloudy becoming mostly sunny. High lower 40s. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Mostly clear with a low around 30. S winds 5 – 10 mph.
Gorgeous Thanksgiving Day weather. We’ve had some not even close to being this good. This time around we have comfortable temperatures and no precipitation. Can’t ask for more or better.
So, on this day designed for giving thanks – and eating – in addition to all the goodies most of us are going to be consuming today – way too many for our waistlines, at least in my case – I hope we all take the time to pause and give thanks for all of our many blessings. I know I will be. God has blessed me beyond what I deserve or what I’ve earned. Money? No…not hardly. But pretty good health, a solid roof over my heat, food on the table, the love of family, the ability to enjoy every single day that comes my way, the good sense to know where all of it comes from. Oh yes. Thankful I am. I hope you are, too. There is always something, no matter how hard things get or how dark things seem, to find and be grateful for. If it turns out to be a day where you have to look for it – then look for it. It will make you feel better and make God happy to see that you noticed.