Monday, Oct. 30, 2017 South West Michigan – Darker Mornings Now
Currently 39 degrees with a WSW wind of 2.6 mph dropping that to feeling like 36. Dew Point 39, Humidity 100%, Barometer 29.49, Visibility 5 mi, Sunrise 8:13 am, Sunset 6:36 pm. 80% chance of off and on rain showers. High mid 40s. W winds 5 – 15 mph with gusts to 30.
60% chance of rain showers tonight possibly mixed with off and on snow showers. Low mid 30s. W winds 10 – 15 mph with gusts to 30.
Dark. It’s so dark in the mornings already. When my alarm clock radio comes on I keep thinking it has to be a mistake. But alas….it isn’t. Heading into our annual winter solstice – when the North Pole is tilted furthest from the sun as the Earth continues on its orbit.
There is no way I can wake up happy and cheerful when it’s dark outside. I try. And I quickly talk myself into being grateful for another day in which to wake up, but it’s a bit of a struggle getting to that point.
There should be a law. A firm law about it always being light by at least 7:00am – always and without fail. I want to see light, hear birds chirping, feel like I’m not being asked to crawl out of bed in the dead of night.
I’m actually lucky now that I’m not out in the full-time work force, I can stay curled up in bed until the light starts to filter through if I choose to do so. And I usually do. I so recall the days of waking up in the dark and driving home from work in the dark. Felt like I lived in a cave. I hated it. Now I’m more flexible and can come and go in the daylight.
But dang. It’s dark in the mornings. And I’m still hating it.