Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017 South West Michigan – Much Cooler Temperatures
Currently 55 with an average wind of WNW of 4 mph making no difference, so it feels like 55. Dew Point 47, Humidity 74%, Barometer 30.16 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:36 am, Sunset 7:28 pm. Cloudy to partly cloudy today with a high near 70. WNW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Partly cloudy to cloudy with an 80% chance of overnight rain. Low 53. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Can’t believe how cool it is this morning. What an enormous difference from last week. It’s either grab a sweater or close some of these windows, that’s my choice. I may be feeling the cold somewhat, but it’s great to have that heat wave fade away. In the middle of summer, not so bad. Nearing October? Bad.
There seems to be a good chance for some rain tonight and I hardly dare get my hopes up at this stage. It’s been so long since we’ve had any significant precipitation. Definitely hoping for the best tonight. And the best would be waking up to see a half an inch in the rain gauge…well, maybe that’s pushing it, but it would sure be sweet. We’ll see how it goes.