Monday, Sept 25, 2017 South West Michigan – Equal Light and Dark
Currently 69 degrees feeling ling 69 with an ESE wind of 2 mph. Dew Point 64, Humidity 90%, Barometer 30.03 & rising, Visibility 9 mi, Sunrise 7:33 am, Sunset 7:33 pm. Sunny today with a few afternoon clouds. Another record high will be set with a high of 91. SSW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Some evening clouds will give way to clear overnight skies. Low 62. Light and variable winds.
As records continue to fall here with one day following another of unseasonable 90+ degrees, our days have evened out with our nights. Not a bad thing except for the fact that from here on in, the days will be getting shorter and that’s not good. Won’t be long at all before we’ll be in to those pitiful short days where you start your day in the dark, and end your day in the dark with too little light in between. Can’t be helped but if it could, I would. I much prefer being on the other side of the circle :>)
2 thoughts on “Monday, Sept 25, 2017 South West Michigan – Equal Light and Dark”
We stay mild here in the Pacific Northwest for our winters, it gets downright FRIGID in Michigan! Happy equinox, and I’ll wish for a mild winter for you folks there.
Thanks, we need all the wishes and help we can get in the winter time :>)