Currently 65 degrees. Feels like 65 with an ESE wind of 2 mph. Dew Point 60, Humidity 86%, Barometer 29.95, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:34, Sunset 7:32 pm. Sunny to cloudy today with a record high of 91 expected. SW winds 10 – 15 mph.
Partly cloudy to cloudy overnight skies with the chance of a shower or thunderstorm showing up. Low in the lower 60s. W winds around 5 mph becoming NW with gusts to around 20. I’ve seen the chance of rain tonight up to 40% on some sites. But for the most part it appears that we will miss out on this much needed rain. Except for this slight chance tonight and a bit of an opportunity on Friday, there is nothing in sight as far as rain for us in the foreseeable future. None.
This could be the end of our 90 degree days. It does sound seriously like tomorrow could end up a good 20 degrees lower for our daily high. Could it be? The A/C finally turned off until next summer? Please let it be. We’ve had enough of this pseudo summer in what by all rights should be Autumn. Looks as if the temperatures will rebound next week, but only into the 80 degree range. Much more comfortable than this past week has been while we’ve been busy setting new, unwanted, records.
Been watching the nightmare the folks are having to undergo in Puerto Rico. It’s more than awful. No water, food, power, communication, gas….it’s hot, humid and unbearable for them. Lines, long, long lines of people stacked up in airports trying desperately to find a way off the destroyed island. I can’t even imagine how difficult that all must be, how frustrating, how frightening. My sympathy does not lie with people here living in the outer banks of Carolina or the keys in Florida, anywhere along the eroding ocean shore by choice – they are living in places that should, by all rights, not be inhabited, that cost big, big bucks to have to keep repairing when the ocean does what it does and washes over them or washes them away. These people are, frankly, foolish. But…the folks living on an island like Puerto Rico. That’s a different matter. That whole island is their home, where they belong. Sitting there, surrounded by the ocean, they have no choice. It’s what it is. And when Mother Nature fools around with that and destroys everything as it has during this past hurricane, that is nothing short of heartbreaking. All of my sympathy and prayers go out to those people.