Sunday, July 23, 2017 Southwest Michigan – A Pleasant Day After Light Morning Rain

Currently 75 degrees with a W wind of 6 mph disinclined to participate, so it feels like the 75 that it is. Dew Point 68, Humidity 80%, Barometer 29.76 & falling, Visibility 10 mi. Cloudy skies becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon with a chance of a stray severe t-storm showing up.
A few overnight clouds. Low 62. NW winds 10 – 15 mph.
Had very light rain this morning, measured only .02″ in the gauge. It’s clearing up nicely, with the air feeling fresh and the humidity less than it’s been of late. A nice day coming together.
One thought on “Sunday, July 23, 2017 Southwest Michigan – A Pleasant Day After Light Morning Rain”
Nice bunny picture, Pat.