Saturday, July 15 Southwest Michigan – Some Clouds Some Sun Today
Currently 62 degrees with a W wind of 5 mph flitting around the number but not changing it, so it feels just like the 62 degrees it is. Dew Point 61, Humidity 97%, Barometer 30.11 & rising, Visibility 9 mi. Morning clouds will give way to a generally clear sky this afternoon. High 79. WSW winds 10 – 15 mph.
Mostly clear evening skies will cloud up and give us an 80% chance of overnight thunderstorms. Low in the mid 60sd. SW winds 10 – 15 mph.
Sounds like we could have a lively night with some t-storms moving in. Would be nice if they cleared out for a decent Sunday. I guess that will be a wait and see situation. For today, should be a dandy day to be out and about doing pretty much anything a Saturday calls for.