Friday, June 23 Southwest Michigan – Rainy Morning, Partly Cloudy Afternoon
Currently 67 with a N wind of 9 mph not tinkering with that number. Still feels like 67. Dew Point 67, Humidity 100%, Barometer 29.60 & falling, Visibility 5 mi. 100% chance of morning rain should become a partly cloudy afternoon with a high of 81. NW winds 10 – 20 mph.
Partly cloudy tonight. Low 57. WNW winds 10 – 15 mph.
Another 1.08″ of rain since yesterday. We’re getting a goodly amount here of late. Not nearly as much as the southern states are getting, but enough to green things up again, which is much appreciated. The air is very heavy and close this morning but since I got my electric bill the other day, me and the A/C aren’t going to be such good buddies anymore. Going back to the fans and open window and affordable electric bills :>) Thank goodness I’m not living where that heat is so oppressive lately. It has to be unbearable living in 100+ degree heat day after day. To say nothing of expensive :>)