Monday, Aug. 9, 2021-SW Michigan-Possible Storms Today & Tonight
Currently 78 with an average wind from the SE of 3 mph. Feels like 79 degrees. Dew Point 71, Barometer 29.91, Humidity 83%, Visibility 8 mi., Sunrise 6:43 am, Sunset 8:55 pm.
Mostly cloudy with an 80% chance of thunderstorms. Some storms may contain gusty winds. High 82. S winds 10-15 mph.
90% chance of overnight thunderstorms. Some storms may contain gusty winds. Low 71. SSW winds 10-15 mph. 1″ of rainfall possible.
We likely will get some storms but don’t expect it to bring along lower temperatures. Tomorrow sounds like it will be warmer than today. Dryer, maybe, but warmer. Perhaps a bit more rain on Wednesday and Thursday but other than that, smooth sailing with proper August summer weather. Just watch out for today and tonight’s storms.